Saturday, March 21, 2020

It is all about TP

Yesterday I mentioned that the stores got cleaned out of everything this past week but by mid week, the shelves here were re-stocked with most items although the variety was down and many shelves weren't full but all of the TP was gone.

Every shelf but TP had something on it but it seems that the store sold out of every roll the minute it was placed on the shelf.

Now if you are faced with possible starvation or wiping your behind, which would you choose?

For a few years in the late 1970's, I lived in Maui, Hawaii. Nearly everything we needed came to us on a Young Brothers Barge from Oahu.

Building materials, clothing, food, gasoline, TV sets and refrigerators - oh, and of course, TP. Small high value items came by air but everything else arrived via, "The barge" and life was good.

Young Brothers seemed to always have delay problems - storms, labor problems and so-on but whenever the barge was delayed, the TP was the first thing to disappear from the store shelved and the last thing to reappear.

We and nearly everyone that we knew kept a 96 roll case of Scott TP in our attic just in case the barge went on strike or was delayed.  It got to be a habit - use the TP from the attic and replenish the case with a new one when we could. I still do this more than 40 years later.

Maybe I ought to sell some to replenish the money I lost in the market last week. When the stores have plenty of TP, perhaps the end will be near.

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