Monday, March 23, 2020

Sobering Day

Pretty but Deadly: Covid-19 Virus

How can something so beautiful be so malevolent?

We are beginning to feel like someone sitting on a hill watching flood waters rise. Everything is just fine right now, the waters are not too high to get across the river but they are higher than yesterday. Probably lower than tomorrow and the day after and the day after that. But the waters only rise at this point and the question is when will they begin to recede?

After CBS Sunday Morning today we took a long walk and passed several couples out walking too - hellos from were passed from a distance.  Everyone seemed subdued as though the news of the infected third grade student at Vonore Elementary School about 5 mile from us. We learned later that there are 3 more symptomatic people in the household that aren't being tested due to a lack of test kits. The child was in school and symptomatic for 2 days before being tested.

Looks like we will probably have more fallout from this event.

371 cases in Tennessee today 57 a week ago.  Be safe!

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