Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A little about COVID-19 VS. Personal Liberty

Big Brother is watching
I am a Libertarian, I believe that the rights of the individual are sacrosanct and should not be infringed by individuals or governments without just cause.

We have just been informed that cell phone tracking is being used to compare personal movements with COVID-19 infection hot spots.

Portions of the Tennessee/North Carolina boundary have been closed to all traffic.

Some counties on the Ourter Banks of North Carolina have been walled off to all but residents (prompting Federal lawsuits).

Florida is quarantining people crossing its border from New York and Louisiana. 

A parent was arrested in Colorado for playing ball with his wife and daughter.

A law enforcement team of lifeguards, coast guard and police are called out to arrest a single surfer breaking a closed beach restriction.

The list of such actions grows larger with each passing day.  The patchwork of state, county and city orders has created a situation in which many law enforcement people are themselves violating social distancing and quarantine rules to arrest people for violating those same rules. 

Many are clamoring for a Federal order to force people so stay in place; opening the door to more crazy instances of conflicting rules and regulations being enforced by people who are themselves largely ignorant of the procedure, rules and orders they are tasked to enforce.

Now, there is a point here: Most of these orders are put in place by well meaning officials who feel as though they must "Do something" but often that something causes harm to the citizens it is supposed to protect and endangers the people charged with providing the protection.

Most of these "Temporary orders" infringe some of the rights of the people but on the flip side foolish behavior by some will endanger some others.

What is the answer? Is there an answer to the rights vs. Corvid-19 question?

The answer is that there is just no one answer.  

My position is that the restriction of some of my rights (as ordered and enforced in Loudon County Tennessee today) may provide me with some protection from the virus and that reasonable enforcement of those restrictions by well informed and trained officials might help to slow the spread of COVID-19 and insure preservation of my life and the lives of my loved ones.  I can accept a temporary restriction.

However, any restriction of individual rights must constantly be reviewed and reduced wherever possible with the stated goal of removing all restrictions as soon as possible.

Now, if the public will do their part in following reasonable guidelines when you must venture out, behave as though you have the disease and don't want to spread it and treat everyone you encounter as though they have it and you don't want them to infect you.  Distance, masks, gloves, avoidance.

Not fun but not deadly. Be safe out there.

Tennessee: 4138  Loudon County: 15

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