Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Fishermen or Liars?

One thing missing in the minute-by-minute reports on the COVID-19 situation is accurate information.   Every "Talking Head" on every newscast, social media platform and the print media has only ONE thing in common with all the others - they just don't KNOW.

They don't know how many people are infected, they don't know the mortality rate, they don't know how many people are asymptomatic carriers, they don't know how many masks or ventilators or hospital beds will be needed, they don't know if you ought to stay 3 feet or 6 feet or 10 feet or a mile from other people to be out of virus range, they don't know if you ought to wear a mask anytime you leave your home or wear eye protection or a full blown hazmat suit.

Many of the talking heads are no better informed than you or I, they have educated guesses perhaps or a spreadsheet complied from known data or perhaps SWAGs (Scientific Wild Assed Guesses).  But they just don't know and in their lack of firm knowledge they make assumptions and reveal them as though they were fact to the information humgry masses.  Think about this:

Now I am probably not the brighest guy on the planet but when one person tells me that 50,000 people are going to die from this COVID-19 virus and another puts that figure at 50,000,000 it is not too much of a stretch to understand that they are each peddling their own agenda and it is rife with the stuff that comes from the South end of a North bound horse.

What can you do to survive this pandemic?  Well my idea is to listen to the reasoning that we try not to spread this virus around, stay away from large groups, and reduce unnecessary interactions in person as much as practical.

  1. Hug your loved ones that live with you. 
  2. Call the others on the phone or Skype or Zoom as often as you can.  
  3. Talk with your neighbors from a distance.  
  4. Use your brain to try to make sense of all of this mess. 
  5. Be grateful for those who are risking their lives to make things better. 
  6. Don't spread false information - if you don't know it for a fact, keep it to yourself.
  7. Understand that everyone wants to make it better but no one knows exactly how - be patient, we'll figure this out in time.
  8. Don't pay much attention to talking heads or crazy old men like me.
Tennessee: 2239  Loudon County: 8

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