Sunday, April 5, 2020

If its Tuesday, this must be Friday?

Keeping track of the Days
This is being written on Saturday for Sunday publication but I no longer pretend to have a good sense of time.  Retirement 10 1/2 years ago wend a long way toward reducing my internal clock to a quivering mess of time chalenged jelly but 17 days on the, "Stay at home" timeclock pushed me over the edge.

Up until mid March, we had a Silver Sneakers class 3 days a week in Lenoir City at 8:30am. That necessitated waking up at 6:15, coffee in bed, morning routine, breakfast about 7:15 and out the door before 8:00.

Exercises over by 9:30 and off to get groceries, haircuts, gass up the car and whatever else needed doing in town that day.  We would grab lunch at Casa Fiesta a couple of times a month.  Maybe we would drop off one of the vehicles for service, travel to the liquor store to replentish the wine cooler.

Mondays we would be home by 10:30 for Mary's card club but on Wednesday and Friday we could go off on some adventure for the afternoon - or visit one of our assortment of doctors.

But those 3 days were predictible and forced us to keep our internal clock reasonable on-time.  Now we have only two reference points; Saturday, Mary fixes Oatmeal (Thank you Jerry!) for breakfast and on Sunday, I fix Cranberry Pancakes (Thank you Dinny).

The rest of the week, we haven't a clue.  Must be getting old.

Tennessee: 3321 Loudon County: 13

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