Friday, June 19, 2020

Trying a little exercise

I’ll call this Covid warmup because we are under a semi-quarantine for the Corona Virus and the days are warming up into summer.  I have been busy working on my media server and have been adding movies and tv series’ as fast as I can.  I have a seemingly limitless amount of storage - about 12.5TB across a raid 5 volume of three drives and over 500 movies and a couple of hundres 1 hour tv/mini-series  episodes occupy only about 2TB.  Of course I remember thinking the same thing about 25 years ago when I first started installing 120mb drives in PC’s.

Who could ever fill one - a single ful length movie takes about 2gb of storage (more than 15 of these 120mb drives).  Technology certainly has improved by many orders of magnitide since the early 90’s.

Which brings me to the question of the day: How can an entire planed be held hostage to a virus that first made its appearance last Fall?  The US has been in a virtual state of lockdown since early March, the economy devistated, millions of cases and 150,000 dead.  Now we are being told of a “Second wave” of infections because many advocates of liberty and opposition refuse to take common sense precautions like wearing a mask and washing their hands after handling anything outside their home to prevent the spread of this disease.  

Lots of free people out there spreading death and the more you spew, the longer it will take to return to something approaching normal.

Till next time.

Tennessee 32829 cases, 509 deaths
Loudon County 221 cases, 1 death

Monday, June 8, 2020

Visiting an old book friend

The CarpetbaggersThe Carpetbaggers by Harold Robbins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book first hit the best seller list in 1961 when I was a 14 year old boy with raging hormones and much curiosity. The adults in my family whispered about it and passed it around - but not to me because I was just a boy and too young to know about many of the facts of life. (I didn't think so but had no say in the matter.) My interest in the book soon faded.

In 1966, Steve McQueen starred in Nevada Smith based on the character from The Carpetbaggers and my interest was rekindled.

WOW! This book had it all, sex, lust, power, love, power, hate and life all wrapped in a riveting tale of Jonas Cord (supposedly based on Howard Hughes). I couldn't put it down - I read it on a weekend all 673 small print paperback pages.

The Carpetbaggers is a raw tale of life staged in the high speed world of the rich and famous in the first half of the 20th century. If you enjoy novels about real life, you must read this one.

It is a love or hate kind of book, I read it about once a decade.

View all my reviews

"The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro"

  by Frederick Douglass Fellow Citizens, I am not wanting in respect for the fathers of this republic. The signers of the Declaration...